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- /* Fractions.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "Fractions.h"
- #include "Factoring.h"
- /* note: this module does NOT deal with negative numbers!!! */
- /* convert a decimal number to a fraction with the specified denominator limit */
- void Double2Fraction(double Value, unsigned long Denominator,
- FractionRec* Fraction)
- {
- ERROR(Value < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,"Double2Fraction: value is less than zero"));
- Fraction->Denominator = Denominator;
- Fraction->Integer = Value;
- Fraction->Fraction = (Value - Fraction->Integer) * Denominator + 0.5;
- ReduceFraction(Fraction);
- }
- /* convert fraction to a double */
- double Fraction2Double(FractionRec* Fraction)
- {
- ERROR(Fraction->Fraction >= Fraction->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "Fraction2Double: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- return Fraction->Integer + ((double)Fraction->Fraction / Fraction->Denominator);
- }
- /* add fractions. Destination fraction can be one of the source fractions */
- void AddFractions(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right, FractionRec* Dest)
- {
- unsigned long FractionTemp;
- unsigned long DenominatorTemp;
- unsigned long IntegerTemp;
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AddFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AddFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- /* add fractional parts */
- #if !DEBUG
- if (Left->Denominator == Right->Denominator)
- {
- /* if the denominators are the same, then adding is really easy */
- DenominatorTemp = Left->Denominator;
- FractionTemp = Left->Fraction + Right->Fraction;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- /* if the denominators are not the same, then we need to multiply each */
- /* side by some number so that they will be the same. finding the greatest */
- /* common factor helps us find the smallest number to multiply by. */
- /* Left->Denominator / GCF = the factors that left has which right needs. */
- /* Right->Denominator / GCF = the factors that right has which left needs. */
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Left->Denominator,Right->Denominator);
- /* by multiplying the denominators together, then dividing out the extra */
- /* set of common factors, we find the smallest common denominator. The */
- /* division is performed inside to prevent overflow */
- DenominatorTemp = (Left->Denominator / GCF) * Right->Denominator;
- /* the left and right sides should yield the same denominator */
- ERROR(DenominatorTemp != (Right->Denominator / GCF) * Left->Denominator,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"AddFractions: couldn't factor denominators"));
- /* since we are multiplying each fraction by N/N, we need to multiply */
- /* the numerators by the same thing we multiplied the denominators by. */
- FractionTemp = Left->Fraction * (Right->Denominator / GCF)
- + Right->Fraction * (Left->Denominator / GCF);
- }
- /* add the integer components */
- IntegerTemp = Left->Integer + Right->Integer;
- /* if there was an overflow in the fractional part, carry it to the integer */
- if (FractionTemp >= DenominatorTemp)
- {
- /* since we are adding, the amount of carry should never be more than 1 */
- FractionTemp -= DenominatorTemp;
- IntegerTemp += 1;
- }
- ERROR(FractionTemp >= DenominatorTemp,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AddFractions: numerator is larger than denominator after reduction"));
- /* store result */
- Dest->Integer = IntegerTemp;
- Dest->Fraction = FractionTemp;
- Dest->Denominator = DenominatorTemp;
- }
- /* test to see if the left is greater than the right */
- MyBoolean FracGreaterThan(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right)
- {
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FracGreaterThan: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FracGreaterThan: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- if (Left->Integer > Right->Integer)
- {
- /* if the integer portion is bigger, then there's no contest */
- return True;
- }
- else if (Left->Integer < Right->Integer)
- {
- /* same as above */
- return False;
- }
- else
- {
- /* if the integer portions are the same, then we have to compare the */
- /* fractional portions */
- #if !DEBUG
- if (Left->Denominator == Right->Denominator)
- {
- /* if the denominators are the same, then comparison is easy */
- return Left->Fraction > Right->Fraction;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- /* if the denominators are not the same, then they have to be */
- /* made the same. as before, the GCF is the factors that are */
- /* common to both sides. Left->Denominator / GCF is the portion of */
- /* the left that right needs and Right->Denominator / GCF is the portion */
- /* of the right that left needs. We don't care about the new */
- /* denominator, but we will compare the new numerators. */
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Left->Denominator,Right->Denominator);
- return Left->Fraction * (Right->Denominator / GCF)
- > Right->Fraction * (Left->Denominator / GCF);
- }
- }
- }
- /* test to see if the left is greater than or equal to the right */
- MyBoolean FracGreaterEqual(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right)
- {
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FracGreaterThan: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FracGreaterThan: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- if (Left->Integer > Right->Integer)
- {
- /* if the integer portion is bigger, then there's no contest */
- return True;
- }
- else if (Left->Integer < Right->Integer)
- {
- /* same as above */
- return False;
- }
- else
- {
- /* if the integer portions are the same, then we have to compare the */
- /* fractional portions */
- #if !DEBUG
- if (Left->Denominator == Right->Denominator)
- {
- /* if the denominators are the same, then comparison is easy */
- return Left->Fraction >= Right->Fraction;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- /* if the denominators are not the same, then they have to be */
- /* made the same. as before, the GCF is the factors that are */
- /* common to both sides. Left->Denominator / GCF is the portion of */
- /* the left that right needs and Right->Denominator / GCF is the portion */
- /* of the right that left needs. We don't care about the new */
- /* denominator, but we will compare the new numerators. */
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Left->Denominator,Right->Denominator);
- return Left->Fraction * (Right->Denominator / GCF)
- >= Right->Fraction * (Left->Denominator / GCF);
- }
- }
- }
- /* test fractions for equality */
- MyBoolean FractionsEqual(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right)
- {
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FractionsEqual: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "FractionsEqual: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- if (Left->Integer != Right->Integer)
- {
- /* if the integers aren't equal, then it's easy */
- return False;
- }
- else
- {
- #if !DEBUG
- /* if the integer portions are the same, then we have to compare the */
- /* fractional portions */
- if (Left->Denominator == Right->Denominator)
- {
- /* if the denominators are the same, then comparison is easy */
- return Left->Fraction == Right->Fraction;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- /* if the denominators are not the same, then they have to be */
- /* made the same. as before, the GCF is the factors that are */
- /* common to both sides. Left->Denominator / GCF is the portion of */
- /* the left that right needs and Right->Denominator / GCF is the portion */
- /* of the right that left needs. We don't care about the new */
- /* denominator, but we will compare the new numerators. */
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Left->Denominator,Right->Denominator);
- return Left->Fraction * (Right->Denominator / GCF)
- == Right->Fraction * (Left->Denominator / GCF);
- }
- }
- }
- /* reduce fraction */
- void ReduceFraction(FractionRec* Frac)
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- ERROR(Frac->Fraction >= Frac->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "ReduceFraction: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Frac->Fraction,Frac->Denominator);
- Frac->Fraction = Frac->Fraction / GCF;
- Frac->Denominator = Frac->Denominator / GCF;
- }
- /* multiply fractions. destination can be one of the sources */
- /* this function will fail on numbers considerably smaller than the */
- /* range of representable fractions. */
- void MultFractions(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right, FractionRec* Dest)
- {
- unsigned long Numerator;
- unsigned long Denominator;
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "MultFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "MultFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- /* the product of two fractions: A/B * C/D == AC/BD */
- /* here we multiply the denominators */
- Denominator = Left->Denominator * Right->Denominator;
- /* here we multiply the numerators and convert the integer parts into */
- /* part of the numerator */
- Numerator = (Left->Integer + Right->Integer) * Denominator
- + Left->Fraction * Right->Denominator
- + Right->Fraction * Left->Denominator;
- /* division gives us the integer part back and the remainder is the numerator */
- Dest->Integer = Numerator / Denominator;
- Dest->Fraction = Numerator % Denominator;
- Dest->Denominator = Denominator;
- /* since we multiplied, reduce so that denominators don't get out of hand */
- ReduceFraction(Dest);
- }
- /* subtract second fraction from first. Destination can be one of the sources */
- void SubFractions(FractionRec* Left, FractionRec* Right, FractionRec* Dest)
- {
- long FractionTemp;
- long DenominatorTemp;
- long IntegerTemp;
- ERROR(Left->Fraction >= Left->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AddFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- ERROR(Right->Fraction >= Right->Denominator,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AddFractions: numerator is larger than denominator"));
- /* add fractional parts */
- #if !DEBUG
- if (Left->Denominator == Right->Denominator)
- {
- /* if the denominators are the same, then adding is really easy */
- DenominatorTemp = Left->Denominator;
- FractionTemp = Left->Fraction - Right->Fraction;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long GCF;
- /* if the denominators are not the same, then we need to multiply each */
- /* side by some number so that they will be the same. finding the greatest */
- /* common factor helps us find the smallest number to multiply by. */
- /* Left->Denominator / GCF = the factors that left has which right needs. */
- /* Right->Denominator / GCF = the factors that right has which left needs. */
- GCF = FindCommonFactors(Left->Denominator,Right->Denominator);
- /* by multiplying the denominators together, then dividing out the extra */
- /* set of common factors, we find the smallest common denominator. The */
- /* division is performed inside to prevent overflow */
- DenominatorTemp = (Left->Denominator / GCF) * Right->Denominator;
- /* the left and right sides should yield the same denominator */
- ERROR(DenominatorTemp != (Right->Denominator / GCF) * Left->Denominator,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"AddFractions: couldn't factor denominators"));
- /* since we are multiplying each fraction by N/N, we need to multiply */
- /* the numerators by the same thing we multiplied the denominators by. */
- FractionTemp = Left->Fraction * (Right->Denominator / GCF)
- - Right->Fraction * (Left->Denominator / GCF);
- }
- /* add the integer components */
- IntegerTemp = Left->Integer - Right->Integer;
- /* if there was an overflow in the fractional part, carry it to the integer */
- ERROR(FractionTemp >= DenominatorTemp,
- PRERR(AllowResume,"SubFractions: overflow occurred when it shouldn't"));
- if (FractionTemp < 0)
- {
- /* since we are adding, the amount of carry should never be more than 1 */
- FractionTemp += DenominatorTemp;
- IntegerTemp -= 1;
- }
- ERROR(FractionTemp < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "SubFractions: numerator is way too small"));
- /* store result */
- Dest->Integer = IntegerTemp;
- Dest->Fraction = FractionTemp;
- Dest->Denominator = DenominatorTemp;
- }